X-ray photograph:
Strongly incrusted archeological locket
For the archeology the x-raying of objects represents an important part of restoring measures. The digital x-ray inspection enables the archeologist to identify a variety of findings. Especially in heavily incrusted or corroded objects, it serves as a decision basis about further restoring measures at the finding. Decorations and manufacturing techniques can be proved very well, as you can see on the x-ray image.
Possibilities of inspection:
identification / condition of the material and the object
X-ray photograph:
Cut through a coral
Biologists can draw conclusions from annual rings of trees regarding the climate development. In the same way, oceanographer use the growth rings of corals in order to get information about the changes in environmental conditions. However, the growth rings are not visible straight away. As an alternative to chemical processes the digital x-ray inspection offers possibilities for the exact analysis of growth rings.
Possibilities of inspection:
structure / growth rings / damages
X-ray photograph:
Madonna with the Infant Jesus
In the past historical paintings have sometimes been painted over by other artists. The motives for this procedure were different: Some artists could not afford new canvases. But also, old paintings have often been painted over in order to produce fakes on chronological authentic canvas. Due to the different composition of the old and the new colours, x-ray technology makes it possible to find out, whether there is an older painting behind the visible one. As paintings are in general much bigger than x-ray films, the x-raying of paintings with conventional methods means considerable effort. This effort can be reduced to a minimum by the use of NTB's x-ray cameras.
Possibilities of inspection:
examination of authenticity, classification
X-ray photograph:
Chocolate egg with surprise toy inside
This x-ray image shows a chocolate egg with a plastic hippopotamus inside. On closer look you can recognise a hippopotamus baby beneath the big hippopotamus. Though this image is lacking of practical relevance, it acts as an example for the various possibilities of digital x-ray technology.
Possibilities of inspection:
That is up to your imagination.